📄 ️ Adding admins to your server
Adding admins to your server allows them to run admin commands such as kick, ban, mute and many more commands from in-game. A full list of commands can be found at https://rust.fandom.com/wiki/Server_Commands
📄️ Adding tags to your server
Setting tags on your rust server is a way to show players the type of server you are running by giving them key information such as saying you are running a build server and how often you reset the world.
📄️ Adding a whitelist to your server
To add a whitelist to your server you will first need to install Oxide/UMod on your service
📄️ Banning and unbanning players
You will need to be either set as an admin or moderator to run the following commands
📄️ Connecting to your server
Using the connect to server button on the panel
📄️ Installing Oxide/uMod
Oxide/uMod is a mod/plugin loader for Rust servers that allow server owners to install plugins such as whitelists to their servers.
📄️ Server Configuration
Setting the server description, URL and header image can help advertise your server to other players, giving them an idea of the type of server you are hosting.