Recently Updated Pages
Kill Command in Minecraft Java Edition.
The Minecraft /kill command is a powerful tool that allows players to instantly eliminate entitie...
Connecting to your server
How to connect to your CoreKeeper server. 1. GameID, This can be found in the server console as ...
Setting up SSH/sFTP
If you are looking to manage your server using SSH or want to transfer files using sFTP you will ...
Live Chat using Discord
We now offer live chat support through Discord, to activate this option you will need to follow t...
Adding mods to a Arma 3 server
To add mods to your Arma 3 server, first make sure the server is stopped and that you have the mo...
Uploading your world
1. Create the world in signleplayer with the settings you want 2. Navigate to C:\Users\<YOUR WIN...
Connecting to your server
Using direct connect via the Palworld game. Currently the game has an issue that results in the ...
Minecraft Connection Failures
Cannot Connect to Server Example: "Internal Exception: An existing connecti...
Changing Java Version
To find your instance please follow this guide:
Mod/Plugin Manager
If you are running a Bukkit-based/Modded Minecraft instance, then you will be able to use the "Pl...
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