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Every Minecraft instance has its own individual settings options. The settings page contains all of the following options:



Display Name 

This is the name displayed for this Minecraft instance Name you give your instance when you create it
MOTDThe message of the day of your serverA Minecraft Server 
DiscoverabilityIf available, would you like this server to appear on the public server listing, be invite only or entirely unlisted? Unlisted
Server PortThe port of your server. Best to leave as default!25565 
Info PortThe port configured in ServerInfoProvider (If installed) 25566
Jar file to startThe jar file started by the control panel.Auto-Detect 
MemoryMemory to allocate to the server - usually fine on adaptive if only running one instance Adaptive
ArgumentsWould you prefer the java arguments to try and optimize CPU usage, memory usage or focus on game performance?Low memory usage 
PermGen/MetaspacePermgen/Metapsace to assign. Should be Dynamic unless you are using Java 7 (default is Java 8)Dynamic 
Maximum players The maximum number of players that can be connected to the server20 
Whitelist Whether whitelist is enabled on the serverfalse 
Online ModeWhether your server allows people without paid accounts. Please note - This will need to be set to 'false' to allow BungeeCord to work, as BungeeCord handles authentication.  True
Allow FlightAllow flight for hacked clients. Usually should be disabled. False 
Enable PVP Whether Player Vs Player is enabledTrue 
Enable Command Block Whether command blocks are enabledFalse 
Announce Player Achievements Announce in chat when a player gets a achievement in game True
Op permission level The permissions that ops have by default. 1: Ops can bypass spawn protection 2: ops can use /clear, difficulty, /effect, /gamemode, /gamerule, /give and /tp - and can edit command blocks. 3: Ops can use /ban, /deop, /kick, and /op 4: Ops can use /stop.
Player idle timeout  If non-zero, players are kicked from the server if they are idle for more than that many minutes
 Enable query Whether your server has the query port enabled. Used by many server listing sites.False 
Query Port  Port used for server queries 25565
Enable Rcon Whether your server has the rcon port enabled. Used to control your server remotely. False 
Rcon port  Port used for remote server control 25575
 Snooper Enabled Sets whether the server sends snoop data regularly to MojangTrue 
Difficulty The difficulty levelEasy 
Default Gamemode Default set gamemode for new joining playersSurvival 
Force Gamemode Whether to force the default gamemode when a new player joins False
View Distance The view distance. Recommended between 5 and 7 10
Level Name Which world file to use World
Level Seed The seed to use when generating 
Level Type How your world will generateDefault 
Generate Structures Whether world structures (such as villages) will be generated. True
Hardcord ModeEnable hardcore mode. Please note that this is set on generation of a new world, and can not be unset!  False
Generator Settings Options to pass to the world generation. Useful with super-flat worlds. Usually blank 
Max World HeightMaximum build height. 256
Max World SizeMaximum possible world size in blocks, expressed as a radius 29999984 
Allow Nether Allows if players can travel to the Nether dimension True
Spawn MonstersDetermines if monsters will be spawned.  True
Spawn NPC/VillagersDetermines if villagers will be spawned. True 
Spawn AnimalsDetermines if animals (Such as pigs, cows, etc) will be spawned.  True
Spawn Protection Spawn protection radius. 0 is disabled!16